Rough Waters

June 22, 2017

Submerged in the darkness of her depression, Katie struggles to stay afloat the rough waters in her life, but uncovers what matters most in her journey to recovery.

ROUGH WATERS screened at NFFTY 2017 in the Friday Night Shorts Screening. 



Claire Imler
 is a high school senior who found a passion in filmmaking after joining her high school's film program her sophomore year. She will be attending Chapman University next year as a film production major, with hopes of emphasizing in Cinematography. She will also be going to Vietnam this summer to make a documentary with 12 other student filmmakers. 

Troy Charbonnet is currently a high school senior in Orange County and will be attending Chapman University in the fall, majoring in film production. He hopes to direct more projects in the future and will be going to Vietnam this summer to make a documentary.

A Brief Interview with Claire and Troy:

Why did you decide to make this film?

When we first heard Katie’s story, it was so impactful and inspiring to us, so we decided to share her story in hopes that it can help others who are struggling through the same things. 

What was your favorite part about making it?

Making this film was such a blast. We started with Katie’s interview, then decided what b-roll shots we wanted based on what she said. It was a very easy-going, relax process while making the film, which is something that isn't too common to hear in the filmmaking world! And although we did have moments that weren’t as fun (i.e camera breaking while shooting underwater or being stuck in LA traffic for 4 hours) we enjoyed the whole process, learned a lot, and were happy with the result! 

What are you working on now?

We both will be going to Vietnam this summer with 12 other student filmmakers to make documentaries! We also are both starting at Chapman University in the fall as film production majors. 

Find Claire, Troy & ROUGH WATERS online:                                                                         

Instagram Troy: @troycharbonnet --
Instagram Claire: @claire.imler --